For twitch registration for use with this plugin please visit :
Permission Nodes:
For the management gui and channelpoints management you need : MCGSR.admin
for Streamers to use Drops : streamer.drops
For streamers to bypass the cooldown on broadcasts: streamer.bypassbroadcast
The following placeholders can be used in coupon commands:
{player} < name of the user
{coupon} < name of the used coupon
{random16} < random number between 0 and 16
{random32} < random number between 0 and 32
{random64} < random number between 0 and 64
A extra placeholder is there for ChannelPointRewards
{custominput} < the custom message written by the reward claiming viewer
And the {player} is replaced by {channel}
For the Go online Go Offline commands system
shows help on how to use the command
/streamergui manager
opens the management GUI
/streamergui control
opens the streamer GUI (you must be added as streamer)
/streamergui list
Shows all live streamers
Shows help for the claim command
/claimreward [product/coupon] [code]
Claims the code for the given coupon
/linktwitch [twitchnick]
Links the user to a twitch nick
(*only one link for each user only 1 link for each twitch nick)
NOTE there is no validation if thats their nickname.
/streamergui apply
If enabled checks if u are linked with twitch and checks if u are able to get a rank for the followers you have
/streamergui checkplayer [name]
Check the provided players followercount if he ever applied otherwise returns nothing found
Adds removes or shows info for RewardID in the channel points system for the user
/sgui linktwitch
As a streamer starts linking your twitch for more features
The config:
warnstreamerifempty:true#Warn the streamer his streamerdrops is empty on joinforcefield:#forcefields push players away when enabled from the streamerstrength:2#The force! that players get shot and pushed back the higher the stronger keep a eye out to high is killing playersenabled:falsecolor:#the color of the particlesr:0g:255b:286gooffline:#runs command when streamer goes offlineenabled:falsecommands:"say {channel} just gone offline!|giveall apple {random32}"goonline:#runs command when streamer goes liveenabled:falsecommands:"say {channel} just gone live!|giveall apple {random32}"MCGSubscriberlink:#Subscriber actionsenabled:false#enable or disable subscriber systemtier1:enabled:true#enable tier 1actions:#commands to run on trigger - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier1 subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"tier2:enabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier2 subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"tier3:enabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier3 subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"prime:#the subscription when using prime free subenabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the PRIME subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"unsub:#when someone unsubscribes or sub endsenabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier1 unsub {player} !" - "BLACKLIST#player" - "UNSUBKICK#player"discordHook:webhook:""#channel hook for notificationsbotname:"MCG Streamer Notifier"boticonurl:""#the avatar from the botlivechatfeedhook:""#channel hook for live chatuselivechatfeed:true#Send the stream chat to discorduseTTS:true#Speak out loud whats sendenabletagging:true#enable group taggingtaggroup:streamnotifier#Group to tag in the messagecolor:#message color discordr:0g:0b:255notifications:#Enable notifications on discord for the following eventsfollow:truesubscribe:truehypetrain:trueraids:truelivechat:truedonation:truestatus:truebits:truecheers:truestyle:#alter the looks of chat messagesnopermissions:"#DE0000"streamernamecolor:"#007EDE"generalinfocolor:"#2FA5FF"commandcolor:"#287DBD"commandinfocolor:"#60A5DA"commandargumentcolor:"#4F86AF"linkcolor:"#0FC7C8"completedcolor:"#0FC860"failedcolor:"#C83A0F"rewardcolor:"#BEC80F"livemessage:#alter the looks of the live messageprefix:"----"suffix:"----"header:"Currently Live!"skins:#alter the looks of public gui'schannel: Deprecated can be removed from v4 and upclientID:YOUR_CLIENT_ID# both come from the twitch dev clientPW:YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET# both come from the twitch dev debug:truesecondsHB:900# the run for drops and other stuff DO NOT LOWER! (lowering hits the limit fast and the plugin will stop working until the cooldown ended)listeners:# listen to these events.follow:truesubscribe:truehypetrain:trueraids:truelivechat:truedonation:truestatusbroadcast:truemoderationfeed:falsebits:truecheers:truechannelpoints:trueautorank:ranks:# the ranks u can get with followercountstreamer:1000prostreamer:5000removeranksondelete:# if the streamer is deleted remove these ranks - streamer - prostreamerenabled:false# enable the use of autoranking rewardsystem:rankup:enabled:true# enable a player being rewarded on rankupcommands:"broadcast {player} has become a streamer!|give {player} feather {random64}"Bits:# Event based rewards for bits can specify a range or value using -100 or -100-200enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has given bits!|give {player} apple {random64}"Bits-100:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has given 100 bits!|give {player} apple {random64}"Bits-240-300:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has given between 240 and 300 bits!|give {player} apple {random64}"Bits-500:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has given 500 bits!|give {player} apple {random64}"CheerBomb:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has Triggered a CheerBomB!|give {player} apple {random64}"Donate:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has Donated!|give {player} apple {random64}"Follow:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has followed!|give {player} apple {random16}"Subscribe:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has Subscribed!|give {player} apple {random32}"ReSubscribe:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has Re-Subscribed!|give {player} apple {random16}"Raid:enabled:truecommands:"broadcast {player} has Raided the stream!|give {player} apple {random16}"Streamerdrops:survivalbased:false# if the drops are survival based (e.g. the streamer must provide its own rewards)enabled:true# are drops enabled at all??Onlyone:true# if a player is watching multiple streamers should he get 1 or multiple rewardsDrops: - APPLE:5 - OAK_LOG:2 - GOLD_INGOT:3 - GOLD_NUGGET:10 - IRON_INGOT:2 - STEAK:3 - EGG:8 - SNOW_BALL:16 - DIRT:5 - STONE:4 - DIORITE:8 - ANDESITE:8 - GRANITE:8 - WHEAT:8 - SEEDS:8 - MELON_BLOCK:1 - GOLDEN_APPLE:1 - OAK_SAPLING:1