Channel Points System
What is it?
Many Twitch users enable Points for their channel the viewers can earn them while watching or special events and use them in a gui on twitch to choose their own reward from Emoji to custom rewards. This system allows to give CUSTOM rewards ingame for what the user gets
How can i use it?
The streamer itself can only turn it on or off a ADMIN with the admin perm node can add rewards in form of commands.
Im a admin how do i manage the rewards for streamer X?
Follow the table below Note all normal placeholders are working here but there is a extra one for user input given on twitch {custominput} The placeholders are {player} {random16} {random32} {random64} {custominput}
sgui channelpoints streamerx add myreward
Adds a command for streamerX for the reward with id myreward (GUI asks for command)
The command from the GUI is added to the Reward with name myreward
sgui channelpoints streamerx remove myreward
Removes the entire reward named myreward
the reward named myreward is removed including all added commands for it
sgui channelpoints streamerx info myreward
Spits out information about the reward
The list of commands is shown for myreward for the streamer if there is no reward with that name it will return a empty list
Last updated