Sometimes you as twitch partner are offering subscriptions to your user. after many people requesting this i added it Commands and actions for the subscriptions!
How does it work?
Twitch handles subscriptions in 4 tiers (tier 1 , tier 2 , tier 3 and Prime)
the prime one is a free tier 1 subscription they get when they use their prime sub.
the others are self explanitory.
How do i set it up?
MCGSubscriberlink:enabled:false << enable or disable the entire systemtier1:enabled:true << enable or disable this tieractions:<< The actions to execute (see below) - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier1 subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"tier2:enabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier2 subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"tier3:enabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier3 subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"prime:enabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the PRIME subscription {player} !" - "WHITELIST#player"unsub:<< called when someones sub expires or is unsubscribedenabled:trueactions: - "CMD#say hey thanks for the tier1 subscription {player} !" - "BLACKLIST#player" - "UNSUBKICK#player"