Twitch app setup
Before you start edit the config only if the server is OFFLINE!
The clientID and Client Secret
Welcome to the quick setup guide. keep in mind twitch can change their page on their end any time this tutorial is made on 18-8-2021 if something changes let me know on discord (mmuziek)
Lets follow the steps to setup V4 and up from MCGStreamerGUI
Step 1 Go to twitch Devs and login:
Step 2 When on your Console click register your application
Step 3 Enter the name of your server in the name field
Step 4 enter in the Oauth return url field
Step 5 set the category to Game intergration and click make app
Step 6 Click manage on the button next to the just created app
Step 7 copy the ClientID to the ClientID field in the config.yml
Step 8 click new secret code and copy that code to the client PW field in the config.yml
And ur done!
Always enter these details when the server is OFFLINE. On startup it needs those credentials to work if its running it will corrupt the plugin.
The tokens are generated ingame using the /linktwitch command per streamer so also for yourself if u wanna be a streamer too! this is not enforced it can run without but you will have less features.
The Return url for OAuth must be if its not that it will not work!
Last updated